Saturday, December 27, 2014

This is just a teaser post until I get real pictures

We did it.

We finish our plans we started months ago. The Doctor and Amy Pond had their final adjustments late Christmas eve and the tardis, well, the tardis was done but our aurdino did not get here in time.

I only have quick Christmas pictures but I promise better ones soon.

As you notice Amy Pond's outfit changed some since the last time I posted. We have a friend who is another young whovian and that outfit went with her doll. :) We recreated the outfit Amy wears on her action figure. We never did find a pair of pants and while we liked his bowtie I found one yesterday we fell in love with (pictures below)

I am hoping to have the pictures up soon, with directions on how we made everything. Thanks for looking.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fixing your American Girl doll hair.

I am pretty sure I have pinned every pin, googled and looked at every site and tried everything on our doll. After a bit of trial and error I found the best way for us to make our doll pretty again.

Elizabeth is the new favorite because she is Felicity's best friend and I am pretty sure L thinks if she plays with her long enough Santa will bring her Felicity. ;) But this poor hair. You can't see it is dry and frizzy, it looked terrible.

What I did to make it look like this:
1. Hot water wash with baby shampoo.
2. Low setting straightening iron (set on the lowest temp while damp!!)
3. A tiny bit of conditioning spray.
It took me about 30 minutes and my daughter was so happy at how pretty she looked!


And After

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I really am the worst blogger.

We are working on an 11th Dr and Amy Pond AG set.

So far we are using a Saige.
So far, so good! Her scarf will be here this week and her shirt will be made this week as well.

The Dr is being made out of a Molly.

We are also making a Tardis that will hold both dolls. Pictures to come soon.

This is our inspiration

Sunday, July 20, 2014

We've been so busy.

We have not been crafting. I know, I know the horror! Life has been busy and we just haven't been able to.
The girls are getting ready to start a youtube account to do stop motion with their dolls. We've gone from 2 dolls to 13 since last Christmas. We were lucky enough to buy a lot from a local woman and selling a few of the dolls and most of the clothes allowed us to keep a majority of the dolls for the girls. I am still sewing for them and getting ready to open my Etsy shop. Mama needs more money to make more clothes :)
Here are L's two favorite creations of mine. These were done pre-sewing machine, so not my finest work but I love they are her favorites.

Kaya is a new addition to our family. I bought her used to sell and well, L fell in love with her so with us she stays. I bet lots of AG Moms can relate!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I have been a terrible blogger!

We all have those times where life just runs away from us. I've been doing some sewing but not much housing or thrifting.

My daughter had her 8th birthday party and I decided to make outfits for everyone's dolls. Seemed so much easier in my head!
My first prototype ended up being a shirt. I think Julie looks lovely in it.
 My second ended up being a skirt. At this point I was ready to throw in the towel. 
Eventually, I just made my own pattern and come up with these cute dresses. Sad for my little girl only two of her friends showed up. Boo for people who do not RSVP.
Dad knows how to protect his investment! hahaha
We had a rodeo last night in our house! Kit is a fabulous singer ;)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

I've been working on the beds and sewing.

We are totally going to ignore the red spot on the carpet. ;)

I finally got the mattresses covered. Our 9 year old is obsessed with all things orange and she picked this fabric for her mattresses. I need to get a picture with the trundle in as well but I haven't yet. I really love the way this thrifty bed came out. The bedding is still to come.

I've been sewing and creating, trying to create fabulous designs for the dolls. Pretty soon there will be two more dolls moving in (thank goodness we made trundle beds!) and everyone will of course need some new clothes.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

It is not even finished yet and I am in love!

I am going to miss Hot Mess doll when I send her to Grandma's house for sewing.

Today was the day I decided to sew. I started off easy and made a little skirt, then moved to socks (on her)  and ended with some shorts. As I sent my girls off to bed I knew I wanted to attempt something with the shirt my daughter had picked out from the thrift store (.99) size 12 and asked me to make something/anything for the doll. This was I came up with and there is so much more fabric.

The really awesome part is the top is made from the SLEEVE. I still need to add a clip to the bow and sew up the hem but I honestly couldn't hold back and had to blog asap. I knew it was a hit when she came out of bed (again) and said " OMG ITS AWESOME"

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Updated house pictures!

This is Emmy (JLY) sitting in their living room. We made the couch out of foam and the chest was a .99 Goodwill find.
Other side of the living room. Obviously, we need to paint the dresser that we "think" will become the entertainment center. We are not sure yet. Dog basket and kitty house 1.00 at a thrift store here in town and the dog L calls Meatball was .49 at Goodwill.
Emmy's side of the room until we get the walls put up. Bedding is being made by Grandma and where the shoes are is usually the trundle, but I have that out to cover it. Bed-10.00
Bella's (another JLY) side of the room. In this picture you can see the trundle.
kitchen/dinning room/laundry room. So far my favorite part of the house and I am SO glad we did buy that medicine cabinet. 
Dining room full shot both dolls.
Full bedroom
Full bottom. I was sad to see whomever had the house before us got paint on the hardwood. Another thing "to do" I think next week I will hit up the craft store for "wallpaper" ;)

Thanks for looking and remember, all you have to do is click the picture to see it larger!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

We've been buying but not creating!

It feels like since Christmas all I have done is buy clothes to upcycle for the dolls. The girls have decided what they want for their doll rooms and bedding. So expect a few posts soon about clothing, bedding and more!